Rabu, 02 November 2011

Lights! Kleiner Park Sculptures....

The lights are working, yay!  After waiting for parts, the electrical is all hooked up & the lights are on at night!
The above is a shot of the vertical axis wind turbine; it spins in the breeze & generates the power for the spotlights.
The turbines not only look amazing moving with the wind, but they produce clean, green power.
Each of the three 50' tall sculptures has 3 spotlights that are powered by the wind turbines.
I am so very happy with how this project came together; green energy mixed with public art...how cool is that!?
Photos by: Smede Marketing-thanks so much!

It's going to be interesting to monitor the output of the wind turbines over the winter; so far, we have had a very breezy autumn....providing lots of energy for the generators.   The vertical axis design of these wind turbines is well suited to urban environments: the wind can be strong & gusty or just a slight breeze in any direction, the the turbines will spin & produce energy.  And they look amazing, make no noise & are safe for birds & bats---very cool indeed!

Julius Kleiner Memorial Park is located on the corner of Eagle & Fairview & is still under construction: you can see the sculptures & wind turbines from Eagle Road or Fairview, but the park is not open yet...  Grand opening is scheduled for April of 2012: I will be sending out invites & announcements :)  In the meantime; the park is still a construction site: please don't try to go around the barricades--the security guards will not be happy, lol. 

Thanks so  much to Toby at Power Plus for all the help---you made it work!  And Blake Trailers in Star: amazing work: could not have made it happen without you!   And Susan, John, Steve, Sue, & the whole Parametrix team: so thankful to have been involved with such a talented & fun group.   Also Don, Walter, Steve, Eldon, Susan (again): I was so honored to be a part of the design team & absolutely loved every meeting & discussion: I'm a bit sad it's over, lol.
And of course: Gene & the Kleiner family--what an amazing gift you are giving to future generations: I am humbled & so honored to have been a part of such an amazing project...
Also thanks to Anderson Construction, Diamond Street Recycling, Pacific Recycling, Wild Nature Solutions & everyone I met on this project: even the construction meetings discussing schedules, water-lines, & roads were fun!


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