Jumat, 11 Juni 2010

More Truck Adventures....

Husband & I made the drive up to Crouch again to pick up a parts truck for the crane...yes, another truck--that doesn't even run....   We took the new boom truck up to tow it back down to Boise...   It's sooo pretty up there :)

So, the yellow thing is what we came to get; had to drag it out of the weeds & then do some fixing to get the tow-bar attached.

this is where I got bored & wandered off....there wasn't much I could help with anyway.....

Still fixing.....

More meadow flowers :)

And then I noticed that the shop was open: so I had to check it out---they have all sorts of stuff, from antiques to vintage clothing, camping stuff, jewelry, etc.  And, if you can read the little white board out front---it says chickens & ducks for sale.....

Yep; 2 little puddle ducks---sooooo cute!  Of course, I had to inquire about them, beings how they were only $4.50 each....    After finding out that they will look like a mallard, but bigger & they don't fly, I couldn't resist!!    They got boxed up & came home: all in all, I think they were a better deal than the parts truck; but that's a different story :)     They are now happily running around the back yard enjoying the little creek we have--omg, like little vacuum cleaners, they try to eat everything :)  And they follow me around like little puppy dogs; so cute...

Anyway, after hours of fixing, we finally got the trucks hooked up & on the road.  Made it back to Boise all in one piece, with the 2 duckies peeping the whole way :)    The old yellow truck will be scrapped out once Husband gets all the use-able parts off it & the ducks will be put to work eating bugs in the garden.  Such strange adventures we have.... 

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