Minggu, 31 Mei 2009

Garden Tour

The yard & garden as of this morning....starting at the front of the house....Loving the new house color-except the font door-it was supposed to be deep red, but it's orange...

Wandering to the back; this is the wild side: I just let everything pretty much grow wild; a mix of perinials, herbs, shrubs, & industrial tidbits....

And cats: Skwishy Cat, posing like a super-model

And the new garden; things are coming along nicely; the middle section was planted first & it's growing along really fast now :)

And the side looking toward the front; got some huckleberries in the box, a couple cabbages, & lots of other stuffs....
Climbing beans; can't wait for them to really start climbing the sculptures :)
The tomates love their new spot; growing like weeds!

And the new herb garden with steel stepping stones. Looking forward to things filling in & looking more finished :) More to come....

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