Jumat, 18 Januari 2013

Chill'n with Gold Chicken...

This morning, while waiting for the film crew to arrive for my interview with the Framed Network... 
 The little Gold Chicken came in to visit: she thinks she owns the house; prances in every time the door is open ; ) But, she just likes to hang out; settles down next to me & takes a nap---it's so cold out right now, that I can't help but let her stay in for a bit to warm up...
Cute, eh??   She is a heritage bantam breed: lays little eggs about 1/2 the size of normal chicken egg.  
& she is less than 1/2 the size of a normal chicken; so cute!  At the moment, I have 2 bantams; the other is grey--not quite as social as Gold Chicken (ya--I'm not very good with chicken names...black chicken, grey chicken, red chicken, Mr. Rooster, etc..)

I'm hoping to add a few more bantams to the flock this spring---I love the little eggs & they are less destructive in the garden.  At the moment, I have 2 banties & 5 "normal" sized chickens including the rooster. Plus, 2 ducks & 3 cats :)  I love having the organic eggs--I keep the chicken eggs & sell the duck eggs: hoping to add a few lady ducks in the spring too. 

 The duck eggs are great for baking & some people really love the flavor plus those who are allergic to chicken eggs often can substitute duck eggs instead;  but I prefer the chicken eggs. At the moment, the duck eggs pay for feed for everyone, so it's a great trade-off;  & the ducks are a crack-up to watch roam the property looking for bugs & slugs & they are hardier than chickens; her laying has not slowed a bit during the cold weather :)  Hoping to add 3 Runner-hens this spring, plus at least 2 more bantam chickens: the duck eggs would continue to pay for feed for everyone & with a few more chickens, I would have enough to share with visitors, neighbors, etc :)

It's quite the little farm we have here, but I love it!
Looking forward to spring...


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